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Hello Quilt Friends!


I’m Heather Peterson – I’m a quilt pattern and fabric designer, business owner and mom.  I grew up in my Mom’s sewing room and I spent a lot of my childhood sewing and creating things with fabric.  I started quilting as a college freshman - almost 30 years ago and have been obsessed ever since.  It wasn’t long until I began designing and publishing my own pattern line under the name of Anka’s Treasures.  That collection has grown to include hundreds of quilt designs in books, patterns and magazines.   I also spent a lot of time drawing and painting as a kid and have turned that love of drawing into designing fabric.  After 20 years of designing fabric, I have created 27 collections - currently in collaboration with Riley Blake Designs and formerly for Henry Glass.  Now I try to balance my time between creating and running my business, while raising two busy boys.   My husband Joel and I are raising our family on a lake in Minnesota – where the summers are glorious and the winters are . . . let’s just say there is a lot of time to quilt and knit during the long winters here.   If you are looking for quilting inspiration during the long winter, or anytime, I hope you will drop by and see what we have to offer!

You can check out more about my work (and a little about my other hobbies in life and my family) on my Instagram account - @ankastreasures.

My Sew Alongs and Tutorials can be found on my YouTube channel here.

You can also follow me on Facebook 

I also have a blog that contains all of my older work (2021 and older), along with some tutorials, etc here.