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Pattern Updates and Helpful Hints

We strive to make every pattern error free and easy to follow.  It is a big job, and unfortunately sometimes things slip through despite our editing and testing process.  If you find an error in our patterns, please email us so we can make corrections in the pattern and post the information for people who have already bought the pattern. 

All corrections will be shown in BOLD.  Please note that new printings of these patterns are updated to include the correction, so your book or pattern may not need the correction.  Corrections are listed with the newest books and patterns first, so if you are looking for a correction on something with a copyright date of 25 years ago, it will be near the bottom.  

Autumn Afternoon Sampler

This update is only for those making this quilt using the Autumn Afternoon 10" stacker, as shown in the diagram on page 4.  During the manufacturing process, the second Saffon Toss print was swapped for the orange pumpkin print.  See below for how to make that swap using the orange pumpkin print and a scrap from the gold fat quarter.  An updated final image of the quilt is also shown below.

Under the Oaks

When making the pumpkin blocks, please note that you will need to make 6 blocks and 4 reverse blocks, not the 5 and 5 reverse blocks shown below and in the pattern. 

Midnight Rose Garden

This correction is for the boxed kit version of the Midnight Rose Garden pattern ONLY.

In the cutting diagram on the top of page 6, there is line between the two D triangles that shouldn't be there.  The cutting for this diagram is described on page 5, and the cutting instructions there are correct.  You can find an updated image using this link:


Chance of Flurries

We found a mistake in this pattern that affects quite a few numbers, so please send me an email at [email protected] to get an updated PDF copy of the pattern.  

Gone Plaid

Under the cutting instructions on page 2: From the Ivory Dot, line 4 should say:68 (124) (160) at 5" (Step 4)  not Step 2

Super Snowflake

Trendy Table 3

A second printing of Trendy Table 3 is out, and all corrections were made before printing.  But, if you have an older copy, you may need to make the following changes in your book (or they may be hand written in your book):

Under the cutting instructions for the Easy Peasy Plaid runner on page 4:From Each of the 40 colored prints, cut 1 - 2 1/4" square and 1 - 2¼" x 4".  (The book says 2" x 4¼").  

For the Floret Runner on page 22:
Under the cutting instructions for the Navy fabric, where it says to cut 4 (8) lengths at 10", it should say 10½”

For the Autumn Garden runner on page 11:Under the cutting instructions for the brown fabric, you will also need to cut 2 - 1½” x 2¼" and 2 - 1" x 3".

For the Picket Fence Runner:  3 - 2 1/2" x 44" strips.  Cut into: 2 - 2 1/2" x 24" (plus other pieces as listed)

Trendy Table 2

On the front inside cover of the book, there is a large photo with 6 runners.  The second runner should be listed as "Sparkler", not Glimmer.

On the Holly Hocks pattern on page 9, under the Grey fabric, it says that you need 2 - 3" x 44" strips (then cut into 6 - 3" x 8.5" and 6 - 3" x 6").  You will actually need slightly more than 2 strips to get all of the pieces.  

On the Pumpkin Patch runner, in Steps 6 and 8 on page 20, there is an error in the diagram that shows the pumpkins and the leaf units sewn together.  On the far right of the diagram, the pumpkin stem should be aligned with the stem of leaf block next to it, rather than overlapping the leaf slightly as shown.  To see how this should be correctly aligned, look at the intersections where the far left pumpkin stems meet the leaf block within this diagram.  If you follow the instructions for how the blocks are made in Steps 3 and 5, they will sew together correctly. The error happened when I laid out the diagrams, so at least there is no ripping involved!

Angles With Ease 2

For the pattern, "Let it Snow":  I have had a couple people ask how to cut a 9 1/2" tall half triangle, when the Triangler ruler is only 7 1/2" tall.  

It's really easy to cut this larger size - Lay the Triangler along the edge of the rectangle as shown in the directions on How to Cut Half Triangles on page 3.  (so the little flat top of the ruler is even with the top of the rectangle, etc as shown in the picture).  Cut along the right side of the Triangler, then slide the ruler down to the bottom of the cream rectangle and align the right side of the ruler with the line you have already cut. Finish cutting along the right side of the ruler so that the entire length along the right side of the half triangle is cut.  Another option is to position the Triangler as shown in the diagram on how to cut Half Triangles, and then lay second longer ruler next to the right edge of the Triangler.  Pull the Triangler away and cut next to the longer ruler.

Angles With Ease - Baby Juniper:

There isn't a correction for the pattern and it has been tested several times. I have also taught the class quite a bit and have noticed that there are a lot of size variations that come out of this pattern, just based on all the different styles of workmanship, the bias edges, the funky angles, etc.   In addition, I have gotten several emails with the same comments - mainly that the trunk sections are turning out longer than the tree sections.  There are a few different things that could be causing the trouble:

#1 - There are 16 seams in the section with the trees and only 8 in the section with the trunks, so if you are off even a little bit with the seam allowance, that can cause the tree section to be smaller than the trunk section. 

#2 - The tree section has lots of bias edges and I have found that there is more shrinkage with the bias edges if you use lots of steam (which I do). I found that if I gave the fabric a good steaming before I cut out all the tree and background pieces, I had less trouble with shrinkage.  The trunk section has no bias edges so there is a lot less shrinkage.

#3 - Aligning the angles - If you don't have the angles lined up just perfectly, this can cause your piece to come out a different measurement. You are aligning them right if you have a perfect 1/4" seam allowance above the tips of the trees.  If this is off, the section can be larger or smaller.

If you have already sewn the sections of the runner and have found the tree section to be too larger, it is probably easiest just to take a little deeper seam on the trunk sections so that is turns out a little smaller. That is much easier than adjusting the section with the trees. 
If you haven't started the runner, you can always sew the tree section first and measure it before starting the trunk section.  The tree section should measure  34 3/4" unfinished.  If it is less than that, just cut the tree trunks a little skinner to accommodate that (for example, cut the width a scant 2 1/8" or 2").

Diamond Diva

There is a typo in the cutting instructions for the topper.  If you are cutting the binding for two toppers out of one fat quarter, you will need to cut 8 - 2 1/8" strips x 22" strips.  If your fat quarter is a little bit bigger than 18", you can cut the strips 2 1/4".

Little Charmers 5

In the Boardwalk table runner, please note that the first diagram in Step 3 should have the skinny strip on the left side of the block slid up 1/4" from the bottom of the block, as was done in the second diagram in Step 2.

The Bella Bag

Please note that I used Dritz brand grommets.  Since I have published the pattern, new brands have hit the market and not all 1" or 1 9/16" grommets are the same.  That number is the inside measurement, but the outer measurement may vary depending on the width of the grommet, the shape, etc.  The outer measurement of the Dritz 1 9/16" grommet is 2 3/8".  If your grommet is wider than that, please make adjustments to the size of the top band.

Simply Sixties

If you are making the Beach Balls quilt, you may need an extra 1/4 yard of the white fabric, depending on how you cut.  It you completely open up the strips when cutting (rather than having them folded so they are 22" wide), you will make better use of the fabric and have less waste at the fold.  If you use this method to cut, the fabric requiremends in the pattern will be enough.

 Correction to the White Diamonds quilt:
From the Fat Quarters cut:  2 - 8" x 22" strips. (not 8 1/2" x 22")

On The Run - Fresh Blooms

On page 5 in the Cutting instructions, it should read:
From the WHITE fabric, cut:
8 - 1 1/8" x 44" strips.  Cut into 12 - 1 1/8" x 14" and 24 - 1 1/8" x 7"

Little Charmers 6
The fabric requirements for Metro Girl should call for 1/2 yard of brown.

Stop, Drop and Roll

Gettin' Ziggy With It:
If you are using fat quarters, instead of Jelly Rolls, you will need more of the brown print fabric.  You will need 1 7/8 yards ( 2 5/8 yards ) (3 5/8 yards) instead.  Cut into 25 (35) (49) 2 1/2" x 44" strips.
Center of Attention:
On Step 2, please omit the middle line of text - "Finish by adding the small colored triangles".

Let The Good Times Roll

From the "Cafe Au' Laite" pattern on page 12:
The size of the quilt should be 64 1/2" x 80 1/2".

On a Roll Again

From the pattern "Keyholes" on page 6 in the book On a Roll Again:
In the Cutting Instructions it should read:
B.  From 5 or the ASSORTED JELLY ROLL STRIPS, cut 9 sets containing 2 - 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" and 2 - 2 1/2" squares.
***You will not need to buy another Jelly roll, you can just cut a strip from the matching border fabric.***

Livin' Large

From the "Off Kilter" pattern:
On page 12, in the Cutting instructions, it should read:
From the BROWN MARBLE fabric, cut: 12 (25)(33) - 2 3/4" x 44" strips.  Cut into 20 (42)(56) - 2 3/4" x 11 1/2" and 20 (42)(56) - 2 3/4" x 9 1/4".
From the "Square Dance" pattern: 
On page 10, in the Assembly Instructions, step 1, it should read: Make 24 (40) (60) (84)
From the "Sunday Picnic" pattern:
 The fabric requirements for the red sashing fabric for the throw size should read 1 1/2 yards, not 1 1/4 yards.

Table Graces

For the Summer Cabins runner, there is a typo under the cream fabric.  It should read:

From the CREAM fabric, cut:  1 strip, 4 1/4" x 42".  Cut into 10 - 4 1/4" squares.  Cut in half diagonally once